OK, so I watched the superbowl with my sis and her friends tonight. Here are some pictures of the FOOTBALL ACTION!!!

Here is a picture of Ali, and Audra. I went to their apartment, and it was real cozy. There was a wood burning fire place, and tons of football food.

I have to say this, because it should just be said. I do believe that homosexuality is a sin, but I have nothing but the ut most respect for her and every one of her friends. They are some of the nicest people i know. Super kind hearted, and just generally good people. I think swearing and lieing is a sin. In the big guys book, A SIN IS A SIN! So, the game was good in the first half, but fairly predictable in the 2nd. It was fun though. It is seriously 0 degrees outside ryte now. So freeking cold! brrrrrrrrrrrr..... Well, i think i am going to go pass out, I have a lot of fundraising related things to do. I really hope it doesn't snow tonight, It is just too cold for snow removal. aight i am out, this time for real. fer shizzle.
Hate the sin. Love the sinner.
hey-mike this is your cuz from Anchorage just wanting to say hi& good luck in China. I'll be thinking and praying for you and your family. Love in christ-Mindy
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