Every Sunday night I go to college aged based ministry at Brookside Church called Collateral. Tonight, the lesson was about Baptism. I have heard it so many times before and always chose to ignore it. I can’t quite explain why I thought I was above getting baptized. But I have always chosen to not get baptized, maybe I wanted to create the “perfect situation and for all the right people to be there.” Biblically, it is something Jesus asked us to do to confess our spirituality to our peers, and to create an inner commitment with Christ; to take the next step with Christ. I have had it put on my heart for quite some time to be baptized. Two weeks ago at Pathway they had a baptismal service and it really was pounded on. I had no idea that there was going to be an opportunity to be baptized tonight at Collateral. It was a God thing. I saw my friend Kaley make a last minute decision to get dunked, and when she went up, she spoke words that created my driving decision. She said that she knew that her parents and friends would want to be there, but that was not what was important. I didn’t get baptized tonight because I was put into an emotional/spiritual blur. I wasn’t confused in the least bit. I KNEW that it was time for me to confess to my God, and peers that I was ready to take the next step in my personal relationship with Abba. When I came out of the water, I was filled with the Holy Spirit. I couldn’t stop smiling, and just felt overwhelmed with Joy. It is an amazing feeling, and I am ready to confess to anyone who will hear me that I am making the commitment to be a fully devoted Christ follower!

I'm so bord of being in this house. I am totally stoked to start working again. Motivation is essential, and currently my motivation is directed mostly towards getting a vehicle. I can get my license back on the 25th, and then it is just a matter of time until I have enough ca$h to buy a car. I went to church today at Pathway and it just wasn't working for me. Maybe it had something to do with the kids sitting to the left of me that were poking, tapping and messing with each other through the service. Maybe it had something to do with me just being a little distracted this morning. Lauren took me and I am pretty sure this will be my last time going to a Sunday morning service probably for a while because of work. After church, Lauren had to take Kenzie to her tennis lessons, and had an hour to blow so we went back to my home and I got to introduce her to my sister and mom. Their first impressions were nothing but approval. Smiles for everyone.
So proud of you...a strong, anointed man of God. Make sure you go back to this post and read what you said when times get hard and you start to doubt. Love you!!
Good Step
Keep on the same path you are now for the rest of your life and it will work out.
Remember, every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.
I am happy for you Mikey!
Your cousin Dan
I'm glad you went with the movement of the spirit. I'm really excited for you man - its clear that the Lord is moving in your life and your willingness to be moved is inspiring.
I hope work goes really well today. Keep me posted.
Congratulations on being baptized Mikey! I know what you mean about avoiding it. I wasn't baptized until April of this year and it was all because I thought I would be a hypocrit in a sense that I still did some things I knew I shouldn't, but then someone told me that if we all stopped coming to church just because we weren't perfect then no one would come to church. It's an amazing thing and I am very proud of you! Congrats again!
Welcome to the Family!!
Don't fret one moment about how long it took.
Just know you are an example of the strength he wishes for all of us!
Keep going, my brother!! He's watching!!
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