Today was my M/S appointment. If you said that a lot was riding on this appt, I would agree with you quickly. My dad took me to Indianapolis (about 2hr 15min away) because, well because my car is not fun to drive those kinds of distances in. It get's a little bumpy after about 60MPH.

Yes, indeed the drive was good. My dad and I had a lot of good conversation, and just enjoyed each others presence. Sometimes we are right on the same page. It's good when it works out like that. I know he loves me a lot.

My father, patient, wise, quiet, subdued, God fearing, and loving sit's while we wait for the neurologist to come in the exam room and look me over. My pop's is a good man. I am so extremely thankful for the parents God has given me. He really did give them to me, I would say more so than the average individual. My parents adopted me at birth, so God had this planned all along. From the moment I was conceived, my Father (notice the "F") had big plans for me. It is amazing to see how He, has everything right in the palm of His hand.
So anyways, this appointment was important because I was going to find out whether or not my DOC. was going to continue keeping me on the TYSABRI, or if he was going to take me off the drug that has been horribly helpful and start me on a drug that has exponentially lower risk for yucky long term side effects. This is good though, a lot of things fall into place after this decision had been made. For that I am quite happy.

After I had helped with my sisters car (LONG CRAZY STORY). I ate some pizza, and went over and hung out with my brother Travis (half brother) and his wife Amber. He had just gotten her Guitar Hero, and I believe she was addicted to it by this point. It was fun hanging out with them, and being with my brother that I don't get to see very often. Good stuff.
It was about midnight when I had left, and I wanted to go pick up some film for a 35mm camera I will be using for a photo-journalism class I will be taking. When I get the pictures developed, I will just have them put on disk and taken to class that way. It will be super fun.
So please tell us what your urologist had to say. Go or no go on Ty. How is your mother also?
Well what about your mom? How did her test results come out? Everything ok I hope
Glad you had a good time with your Dad. I have an exceptionally great Dad too. Aren't we blessed?
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