This was the start of the trip. I had 4 kids in my car, Tom had 5 kids in the SUV he borrowed from a Young Life committee member. We drove to Middletown (suburb of Louisville, KY), it was about a four hour drive. Good stuff though. The drive was really fun, and went by quickly. There was a lot of energy, and we all enjoyed ourselves quite thoroughly. We got to a small church, which served as our HUB or meeting place for the weekend. Friday evening, we all (there was about 100 kids from the Kentucky/Indiana area. They are all kids that are interested in doing ~WORK CREW~ and so all the kids that came this weekend, are kids that are ready to go a step further in their faith with Christ. To learn what it means to have a servants heart.
This was right after we had gotten there, I think it was around 8:30ish when we finally pulled into the church parking lot.
So, the night eventually came to an end, and we were staying at a committee members house in or near middleville. He was a really cool guy, but there was like 20+ kids & leaders staying in his house. It was PACKED to say the least, but that's all good.
Saturday morning rolled around and it was time to meet up for a small amount of time at the church to get our directions for what we were going to be doing, and then we were off to a woman's shelter in down town Louisville, KY. It was really great, because the whole idea is to give them a taste of what they will be doing for a month, while they serve kids that are going to the camp as campers. We wanted to give them an idea or taste of what it means to serve, and get down in the nitty gritty. There were a lot of great people, and we worked our butt's off. In the morning we moved many many heavy wooden tables and benches and what not out of the way of this little courtyard, swept it out and cleaned it up, then placed everything back. In the afternoon we started cleaning car's at the car wash.
Very rewarding too. When we had some free time, my crew (kids that rode in my car) and myself decided that we wanted to walk across a bridge (one of the huge bridges in Louisville).
Here is a picture of THE CREW. We gave Cody's phone to a couple passing by, and had them take a picture of us, it was extremely bright out, so that is why it looks the way it does. We decided as a group that we wanted to cross one of the HUGE bridges that crosses the great Ohio river. So, that is exactly what we did. It was really cool because right as we got in the middle to the bridge, a huge tug with a bunch of barges full of Coal passed under us. It reminded me of what I use to go to school for, and was pretty exciting. I think this picture was also from Cody's phone. When we finally got back to the HUB church, we had dinner, and enjoyed each other.
I borrowed Jorden's (another kid in our group who drove with Tom) phone to take this picture. It was a really good Friday & Saturday.
When we got back to our host house, we settled by his big HD t.v. and watched Larz and the real girl. If you have not seen this movie. It is seriously one of my favorites, and I cry when I watch it. Soo good.
I am blessed to be a blessing.
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