The main focus of the message was around Romans 12:9, even more after 9, but mostly in 9. In the Message translation of the BIBLE it says this. --->"Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it." Geeze, this is so friggin true. If you are not loving in a genuine way, what is the point??? The more Jesus you let in, the more capable you are to love EVERYONE in the most impacting and sincere way possible. When I say everyone, I mean the people in your life who you never thought possible to love, EVERYONE! This is a bold statement, but I say it proudly with assurance of it's truth. Humans are not capable of love without Christ. When the center of an individual is all Jesus, love abounds infinitely.Then we got to talking about communion. Wow, some good stuff came out tonight. Communion all too often comes off as this action you take, because...well, everyone else at church does it. When in reality, communion is a sacred and EXTREMELY IMPORTANT act done through Christ, in rememberence of Christ and what he did. For an individual to partake in the act of communion, without any intention of living out those promises and changes that they "feel" need to take place, well, put it down and pray. Communion should be something that signifies a follower in Christ is taking the step in being fully alive in Christ. Death to yourself, life in Christ. Philippians 1:21 NIV says, For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Apostle Paul said it quite perfectly, in 1 Corinthians 15:55 "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" I friggin love it, I am so at that point. Dang, devotion to something as powerful and mighty as the great Lord Jesus Christ, just brings me to a new level. It just makes me want to change every bit of my being. Not just think about it, but MAKE IT HAPPEN!! I have this verse hanging up in my bathroom. Titus 2:13-14 while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. It is so good people. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light. Just believe in him, and accept everything he wants for you, and the reward is great. The way God honors obedience is mighty and powerful!!! You just have to take a step out of the normal comfort zone. I write this with a smile on my face.These two pictures show how my evening ended. I took Rachel, Dave's daughter home from her brother Phil's house. Phil is laying down in the top picture with the dog. Twas a good night. Saw the Vikings hose the Bears. And, had some fun with Phil, and his bro John, and their sister Rachel, and phil's wife Julie. Twas a real good night. I have also decided to share something extra tonight. I am going to share a poem I wrote for my English class. I have never shown anyone except my Prof and parents up until this point. I will briefly explain it, then leave the rest up to you. I wrote this poem as though I was my sister Merideth. The first paragraph is how I view my sister thinking about her own life. The second paragraph is how I view my sister views my life. Take what you want, think what you will. It is a lot of bare honesty. Also, my sister is a lesbian.
A letter written in the stance of my sister. My life is her life. Your life is my life.
To my life:
Once long and luscious, my hair exists now, only of short pointed strands. Hateful eyes penetrate the soul; I walk past with my head hung low. I crave acceptance as though it is a necessity of life. How can I be something they tell me I’m not? Your forgotten remarks from high school have hindered my ability to feel anything real. How could a loving God allow me to go through “those things?” Relationships are a painful game of back stabbing and defeat. The acquiescent loss of my sexuality is greatly outweighed by the favor I gain from friends. An understanding of my biological heritage does little to sooth the pain I continually evade. Success is a low rating based on the amount of inner pain I feel on a weekly basis. I can’t understand why sincere love is so accepting of me. I am to be taken advantage of; I question my worth on a daily basis. My merit is a deprecating value compounded by my lack of self understanding. I facilitate the pain in my struggle by not allowing Truth near me. The death I fill my lungs and liver with are a temporary relief at best. Love is a lustful and destructive force that never satisfies.
To your life:
Your genuine smile does much to ease my blighted position. I feel your words are sincere. Your hug gives me strength, unexplainable by words. Your eyes aren’t haughty or demeaning. Your life is an appealing, unattainable frustration. Your Truth is an abstract reality. Your love is impractical. Sincerity and gentleness is what you project to my kind. Your personal stance does little to affect your underlying behavior. You love me, no matter how my actions shame you.