Monday, November 24, 2008


HERE IS THE UPDATE, that took a while to....well update.

Today was crazy. Seriously, just crazy. I had pulled an all nighter preparing my final paper for my English class. Now, it was written and all that was accomplished, BUT, I had no idea what it would take for me to get all the individual papers needed for final submittance. It was ridiculous! I was so tired once time for work rolled around, working literally on zero hours of sleep, I stopped at Starbucks, where my friend Clint hooked me up with a white chocolate drink thingy that had tons of caffeine in it. I have no idea what it was, but it sure did jump start my morning.Yes, I do not recommend these kinds of nights to anyone. BUT, it was necessary and the final feeling to know everything was completed and done to the highest ability. Well, it was a good feeling.This is what I turned in to Tom (English Prof.) this morning. WOWZERS!! There was a lot of time and effort put into that thing. Well worth it though. We will find out on Monday I believe what grade I got, or shortly after Monday.Well, when I got done, I could tell my body just wanted to crash. My brain would not let me though because of all the caffeine that was surging through my veins. I went and visited my dad at work, and hung out for a bit. I went tanning, and then home until it was time to go back to work. I was DEAD at work. I could not go to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) because of the fact that it would have been a waste if I did. I would have just passed out during the lecture, so I stayed home and fell asleep at 8:00PM. It felt GOOD!!

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