-> 1st time i skipped a.m. class
-> met with Brian(pastor from ACC)
-> YMCA work out session after p.m. class
-> laziness
-> evening class, soo sleepy lately.
-> 1st time i skipped a.m. class
-> met with Brian(pastor from ACC)
-> YMCA work out session after p.m. class
-> laziness
-> evening class, soo sleepy lately.
There is that "no tail" rear end of hers.
The night ended with a camp fire, and some good talk with my friend George. We just talked for hours, got some good talk in too. Productive stuff, I see a lot in George. Christ is surly working in him.
Anyways, I got the chance to go over to the home of Bob and Karen Mansfield for dinner. Bob is the gentlemen who invited me to come to Alliance Community Church in the first place. Well, we planned on getting together, and Bob said he can cook, so I wanted to find out if this was true. Turns out…. IT IS VERY TRUE! He made the Japanese dish of Tempura. It was amazing, and the "secret sauce" was delightful. We held small talk through dinner, and when we had all finished eating, we moved to the living room. I got to their house a little after 6P.M. We moved to the living room ohh after maybe 45 minutes to an hour of small talk in the kitchen. When we moved to the living room, we talked about God and our relationships with Christ, and lifted each other up and just had a good time. I left their house around 10:30ish. And I tell you, it was a quick 3 hours. This is how the body of Christ is supposed to work. This is how believers are to interact with each other. Bob only knows me because of one "God meeting" in a parking lot. Then I decided to check out his church. Then I felt extremely welcomed and loved there. Then they decided to invite me over for food and talk. It was a beautiful thing, and I was very lifted up and encouraged by it.
I went to class, and got the LOW DOWN on my mid-term for my Mass Communications class. Part of it was a take home test, which I will do really good on. The other part is a cumulative multiple choice/true & false test. I will be studying for that tomorrow because I just got the study guide. Good thing I have been staying up on all the reading and what not.
The party was a success by my standards, and although I would not be spending St. Patty's day with people of my own age, doing activities that could be quite enjoyable, I wouldn't have traded this St. Patty's day for anything. I was in charge of games....I should say, I made up games on the spot that involved big green balloons, and running. The kids were amused, and I liked laughing at them. There was a lot of GREEN, and that is good protection, because you know I would pinch ya. When I got done with Patty's party, I went to class. Law class actually let out early (I got an 86% on my 2nd test) so I took advantage of the opportunity, and went to my Sister's and her Fiance's apartment, and played the Wii, and chilled with them.
I love them a lot, and want them to come to know the God I know and love. If you would like to pray for them, their names are John and Brandy.
Shortly after I dropped my sister off for work (she got her 2nd DWI & does not have a license currently) I was driving on Lima road and a copper got behind me right away. I was like 70% sure of why I was being pulled over. I did not have a seat belt on. Not because I choose not to wear it, but because currently it is not working. You might ask yourself, "seat belt not working?" For which I would answer, "yea, it's broken." My belt use to be an automatic one, where I would never have to worry about it.
But ya see, it broke. :o( It use to do this nasty loud and annoying grinding noise, and it would not move at all, unless I forced it to do so with my hand and intense upper body strength (sarcasm added). That seemed silly, so a while ago, I had the repair shop just keep it in the upper locked position. So, every time I got into my car, I would have to pull the belt over my head, and sit down. Are you following me? Well, I think since the mechanism that sucks in and let's out the belt was not created to be stretched out so far all the time, that is what caused some kind of failure.
Yes, the belt broke. And that is why I did not have my seat belt on. Because it is stuck in the OUT position, and would be pointless to wear. I have it tucked back behind my seat. Well, I should have had it fixed a while ago, but I did not. And so.....lesson learned.