The message came from Psalm 32:
Blessed is he
whose transgressions are forgiven,
whose sins are covered.
Blessed is the man
whose sin the Lord does not count against him
and in whose spirit is no deceit.
that was just 32:1-2, but the point was put in front of my face quickly, and kind of went back to what I felt yesterday evening. I know that the Lord has forgiven the sin's of my past. I know that he doesn't even see them anymore, because when the Lord forgives, he wipes the slate clean. BUT, if I do not forgive myself, or I can't let go of the Idea that I did some of these things, then the DECEIT will stay with my spirit. Dave made an awesome point yesterday when we spoke afterwards. He said, the lord does not always grant prayers for physical healing, but ALWAYS heals your spirit when you ask. I called Dave, and tomorrow at 6:30 I am going over to his house to deal with some of these "issues, faults, sin's of my biological back ground, fears, short comings, etc." I liked what Dave said when he wrapped up the short phone conversation. He said, "ya know mike, it's not like these things will keep you from growing in Christ, or keep you out of Heaven, or anything like that. They may just keep certain areas of your heart/mind from giving itself 100% to God.
I started reading
The Ragamuffin Gospel today after Church. I am not a reader, I never have been. In fact, I can't remember ever reading a whole book that didn't have pictures and illustrations in it. Today, I read for 71 pages straight, and when I get done typing, I am going to go lay down and read some more until Kaley picks me up for Collateral tonight. Hows that for a good read? ~~~BEFORE

~~~AFTER Colateral was good, and me and Kaley had some kind of awkyard vibe going on that was not cool in my opinion. I'm gonna let it slide though, maybe she just had some "issues."
After that, I went to a movie with Tyler and Amanda, and 2 of Tylers friends....Jared and Meikola (botched spelling, I know) We went and saw, Eastern Promises. This is what I have to say about that movie..........DON'T SEE IT! It was gory, had way to much full frontal male nudity, and was just not that good of a plot or anything really. After, we went to Steak & Shake, and had some good conversation and hung out. It was really great, and this is the fellowship I have so longed for. It really is, and makes me feel so good. I enjoy it too, I don't have to pretend, or fake anything. Just be me. It's a great feeling.

You could have lefte the movie early and not subjected yourself to that stuff.
This is very true, and I could give a bunch of "excuses" for why I didn't. But, they would be "excuses," and your absolutely correct.
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