I love the Bible, I am at the point where I can't get enough of it. I want it in me, I don't get discouraged when teachings go above me though, my dad pointed out to me that I have my whole life to study and comprehend it's magnificent teachings. This morning at my church Pathway (which was amazing to get back to) we started a study in Daniel. We will be going through Daniel 1-8. We just got a little past the point where the "boys" got their new names. In Daniel 1:7 Daniel got his new name "Belteshazzar" meaning Whom Baal favors, Hannaniah changed to "Shadrach" meaning Illumined by the sun god, Mishael to "Meshack" meaning Who is like Venus, and Azariah to "Abednego" meaning The servants of Nego. The lesson today was about Identity. Now, the King of Babylon obviously put fake, phoney god's, above God. Even though their names were changed, their identity did not. Strong message, especially considering what they are up against. I am excited like a little school girl to keep on with this amazing and exciting message.
I am not what I do.
I am not what I have.
I am not what others think.
I will stop forging through in search for what it has to offer me, instead I will find peace in what God has to offer me.
I will take all earthly things and make them obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
I will stop letting my past to be the focus of my identity. Galations 2:20-----FROM MEMORY--- I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
I did so much more today that I haven't mentioned. I love having a car and a life that is holly and pleasing to God. I am constantly in awe of what I am becoming. BUT, I still keep in the back of my mind that I want to decrease so that he may increase. I think it is important to always keep the Pride in check. Gotta watch that sucker, especially me. I love this BLOG, because when my words get prideful, someone usually calls me out. It's a good thing going on there.
Merideth I love you, and I want you to know that I pray diligently for you every night and have done so for quite some time. I pray that God softens your heart, there is so much better available for you. If you think you are stuck, there is always something so much better and a way out. You deserve better, you need Christ. Mer, I know you, and I know life has delt you several bad hands, but you know the truth. Stop running from it. I do love you more than you will ever know, I would do anything for you.
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