Saturday, February 21, 2009

kinda shaky

Because today was a Saturday, you better believe it was filled with some studying. I got to the school library at about 1:00PM. I studied there for a while, and I guess I just got restless. I take adderall because I have ADHD, and took some later on in the afternoon. Like maybe 3 or so, this was my first mistake. I changed locations from the school library to the downtown central library because I wanted to get over to my best friends house to take some portraits of him and his roommates (this weeks assignment in Photography is portraits). So I did that, and when the downtown library closed, I got my pictures. I didn't want to drive all the way back back on campus to finish study time, so I went to the closest Starbucks to study. I didn't want to be "that guy" who shows up, unpacks, and studies at a coffee shop w/o purchasing anything. SO, I got a coffee which was my 2nd mistake because I forgot how much coffee makes me totally wired. SO, now it is late'ish (little after 10PM) and I am wide awake. DO'OH!! My mind is racing because of the Adderall I probably did not need to take in the first place, and the coffee that I definitely didn't need to drink.


Anonymous said...

ya well i'm wired too cause my kid just led his team to a big win in ohio high school bball, but mine is a natural wired although i will celebrate with a couple cold ones. hope you come down from your high ok though

Mikey said...

That is very awesome! Congratulations on your son in their big B-Ball win. Seriously, I think it is very cool that you shared that with me even after I dissed your town...

p.s. sorry about that.